
Help Support a Family Struggling with the Loss of a Child

Dealing with the death of a young member of your family is already difficult enough. Combine that with the time and expense that goes into planning a funeral, and it can be too much for any family to bear. It’s for this very reason that the Taylor Rudd’s Saving Grace Foundation was established. With your and other donors’ help, the financial strain and stress of funeral expenses can be alleviated for families going through such challenging times.

How Your Money Helps

The unfortunate truth is planning a funeral in the U.S. can be expensive, and not everyone has the finances to cover the costs of the sudden, tragic death of a child. Even a simple cremation or ceremony can cost thousands of dollars to organize. The Taylor Rudd’s Saving Grace Foundation understands how unfair these expenses can be to those going through mourning, so we work to soften the blow.

With the dollars you donate to the Taylor Rudd’s Saving Grace Foundation, every bit goes to covering the costs and expenses incurred by families during the funeral planning process. From ceremony fees to the cost of a casket, every donation is applied to one of many funeral expenses, with families receiving up to $2,500 in additional assistance. Examples of expenses your donation goes toward include:

  • Funeral Service Fees
  • Facility Rental for Viewing
  • Burial/Cremation/Embalming Costs
  • Price of Burial Plot, Headstone or Grave Marker
  • Transportation Costs
  • Associated Costs (Flowers, Printed Materials, etc.)

How Much Can You Donate?

The Taylor Rudd’s Saving Grace Foundation accepts donations of all levels from those who are able and willing to give. From as little as a dollar to as much as a thousand, every donation means the world to the families it helps support. If you’d like to attend an event or fundraiser to donate, you can find our list of upcoming dates here. Otherwise, interested parties can fill out a donation form online to directly support a family struggling with the loss of a child.

Learn More

If you wish to learn more about Taylor Rudd’s story and the Taylor Rudd’s Saving Grace Foundation’s mission, read our About Us page or contact us directly by filling out an online form. Be a light and inspiration to your community, much like Taylor, and donate today!

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